Mission Peak Regional Preserve

Backpacking, Hiking, Hang Gliding and good old fresh air, attract people to Mission Peak Regional Preserve throughout the year.

Activities at Mission Peak Regional Preserve


Park Activities and Amenities

Interpretive Hikes

The interpretive staff at Coyote Hills Regional Park leads organized hikes along the slopes and the peak. For information on these and other naturalist-led activities, call the Coyote Hills Visitor Center at (510) 544-3220.

Backpacking and Camping

Eagle Spring Backpack Camp offers backpack camping opportunities. Reservation is required. To make a reservation, call 1-888-EBPARKS or 1-888-327-2757, press option 2.

Radio Control (R/C) Flying

Remote-controlled aircrafts can be launched at R/C Hill only. All remote-controlled pilots launching at R/C Hill must be members of South Bay Soaring Society (SBSS) and must have in their possession a current membership card. No motorized or gas-powered aircraft are allowed. No other sites within Mission Peak Regional Preserve are approved for this activity.

Hang Gliding and Paragliding

The Wings of Rogallo hang gliding club has a launch site at Mission Peak Regional Preserve to conduct hang gliding and paragliding activities.

Horseback Riding

Many trails are available, bring your horses out and enjoy the East Bay Foothills.


Map of Missoin Peak Regional Preserve